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Business Development & Support Services

Telephone: 01782 819458

Training & Development Support Scheme

About the scheme

You can have all the equipment in the world, but without competent staff it will always be difficult to achieve maximum efficiency and the quality requirements.

ISA provide a ‘Training & Staff Development Scheme’ that ensures that the staff that you employ have the necessary skills, experience and competence to fulfil their job role and function.

To achieve this, ISA will spend time with staff and management to determine and document all of the competencies and skills required to meet the specific job roles within your business and identify the skills and competencies that have already been acquired, and any shortfalls required to meet the level of defined competence.

On completion of this, ISA will work with your company to ‘phase in’ the required training using other competent staff already within your business or external training resources that are available to ISA.

This scheme provides:-

  • An initial and annual review and report of existing staff competencies.
  • A report on any competence shortfalls and weaknesses
  • A simple Training Matrix for staff to refer to
  • An explicit Training Matrix identifying all training records in detail
  • A Personal Training Record for each member of staff
  • An ID Badge to be worn detailing all key skills for ease of reference
  • On-Going management of all training records throughout the contract
  • Free* training worth up-to £1800 for 6 staff / 4 times per year with Certificates !

Membership Fee 
The membership cost is free to all businesses industries throughout the UK !!.

Monthly Support Fee
This will be invoiced to you at the start of each monthly period and be subject to payment 30 days thereafter.

Free Training
*Choice of Health & Safety Awareness, Manual Handling, COSHH, Risk Assessment, DSE, Working at Height, Environmental Awareness, Quality Awareness, 5s Awareness

Support Schemes Available Include:

*One month Membership costs also apply

ISA Support

Members of:

Fire Protection Association
Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce
Staffordshire Buisness & Environment Network
CHSG (Construction Health & Safety Group)

How can we help?